2011. április 21., csütörtök

Ice Climbing 17 02 2011

After we missed watching the ,, Rachitele ice climbing competition ,, we decided to have our selves some winter fun . So we gathered a bunch of friends and headed to the ,, Valul Miresei ,, ice fall .
We were expecting a bit of ,, battered ,, ice from the above mentioned comeptition and the recent high temperatures , but to our surprise the ice was just damn good. We were the only ones there so Doru went up and placed 2 ropes and the fun began . All in all it was a great weekend with lots of fun and ,, good exercise ,,. We were 6 ( Doru , Dani , Sorinel , Dan-andrei , Oana , Ale)
From here i will let the pictures tell the story

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